Among Ted’s most treasured memories from his childhood in L.A. are Shabbat evenings with his mother. They lit candles together, recited blessings, and studied the weekly Torah portion. Ted cherished the family time and the Torah learning, but he didn’t grow up going to synagogue or Jewish school.
As an art student in Baltimore, Ted became more and more interested in Torah and Judaism. He gradually took on more mitzvot, and prayed each day in his room. But something was missing—he needed a teacher.
A quick Google search led Ted to Etz Chaim. He emailed the “info” address on the website and got a nearly immediate reply from Rabbi Pomeranz asking if he could meet the next day. That was the start of Ted’s involvement with Etz Chaim, which includes weekly learning with Rabbi Pomeranz. The Pomeranzes also hosted Ted during the High Holidays, an experience he found deeply moving.
Ted’s Jewish journey continues, with Etz Chaim’s support. As he becomes more deeply invested in Judaism, his mother has as well. Recently, Ted visited her in L.A. and helped her kasher her kitchen.
“I prayed to Hashem and found Etz Chaim,” Ted says. “The amount of love and compassion Rabbi and Elana Pomeranz have had for me as a person and as a Jew is unbelievable. I’ve been so blessed.”